Mortgage Business Credit Report
Businesses regularly expand and contract with financial gains and losses, capital investments, and mergers and acquisitions. For lenders that loan money to other businesses, staying on top of a firm’s credit status is critical – and challenging.
Business Credit Industry Reports from Equifax®*
- Business demographics
- Public records such as any judgments, liens and bankruptcies
- Trade payment history
- Financial payment history
- Corporate family trees and identifying information by each business level
- Small business owner and/or guarantors associated with the business
- Personal credit report on company’s principal(s) – this is a soft inquiry and won’t affect your business customer’s credit score
- FICO® score on the principal(s) of the business
Business Risk Score from Equifax®*
Offers a robust suite of business credit scores and business failure scores that are built on pre-recession, recession and post-recession data. Business Risk Score provides you with more predictive power so you can answer critical questions such as: “Will I be paid? When? Is my customer facing financial difficulty? Should I extend credit?”
- Business Credit Risk Score predicts the likelihood of a business incurring a 90 days severe delinquency or charge-off over the next 12 months. The score ranges from 101 - 660 with a lower score indicating higher risk.
- Business Failure Score predicts the likelihood of a business failing through either formal or informal bankruptcy over the next 12 months. The rating ranges from 1 - 9 with a lower score indicating lower risk.
With the Credit Plus Business Intel Suite powered by Equifax®*, we cut though the red tape to give you:
Related Services
Business Principal Credit Reports
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Learn More ⟶Tri-Merge Credit Reports
Learn More ⟶Much more than just credit…we’re Credit Plus
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