Get Properly Covered with Reps and Warranties from Credit Plus

To better defend your mortgage lending operation from the negative financial consequences of a possible loan default and the resulting repurchase requests, consider the added protection Credit Plus’s Reps and Warranties coverage can give you. It is available today through our technology platform – and no special integrations are required.

Beyond Day 1 CertaintyTM

When you purchase Reps and Warranties coverage with our verification services you are protected no matter where you submit loans. The extra protection extends across our comprehensive line of verification offerings. And in this era of increased regulations, you can have more peace of mind when you deal with just one vendor, Credit Plus, to help assist you with compliance. Plus, you don’t have to spend extra time vetting and monitoring multiple vendors for your verifications.

The certification review process

To obtain certification of our processes so that we could offer these insured products, we underwent a review by The Prieston Group (TPG). TPG is the only company in the U.S. that takes a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to evaluations, and uses a patent-protected proprietary methodology. The coverage is underwritten by an insurer rated A by A.M. Best and A+ by Standard and Poor’s.

Get protected verifications from Credit Plus

Learn more about our Reps and Warranties coverage here. And, for more information about all the verification services we offer, click here.

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