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Mortgage Professionals at The Mortgage Collaborative Summer 2017 Conference
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She is awesome!

"I'm reaching out to inform you of the experience I had with Ms. Beth Udolf regarding a recent rescore order. She was very professional and spent quality time going over the order. She found one tradeline that I had requested to remove entirely had already been removed from the collection agency at the bureau level. She was able to save my client $60. She also explained the rush fee for the other two tradelines which allowed the rescore to be finished in two days. For $20 dollars, I am able to get the rescore back and still save $40 due to her knowledge of the business. Beth Udolf is a noticeable asset to Credit Plus. Her level of knowledge will generate many referrals for you! I enjoyed talking to Beth! She is awesome!”

Melba T.

Thank you!

“I just wanted to say thank you for the awesome service we are getting from your team. They are doing a great job!"

Alisa J.

Your attitude is outstanding!

“I wanted to take a minute to thank you. I had a difficult situation that I did not think I could get corrected. You stuck with me and did everything you could to get it fixed. I feel like you went above and beyond. Your attitude is outstanding! Keep up the excellent service!”

Dawn B.

I couldn't ask for more

“I wanted to thank Don and his staff as we had two very difficult situations recently that were time sensitive. In one instance, we needed an update from Equifax removing an erroneous Social Security number and a rescore. Don and his staff pulled it off in one day which allowed us to close on time. I couldn’t ask for more. Great job! The second problem that was resolved in a few days involved removing a disputed account. Don and his senior management team got involved when all others had failed to remove it. Another example of great customer service. Thanks Don!”

A regional vice president at a community bank

The system is easy to use

“The Credit Plus system is easy to use and we have been pleased with the transparency and reporting features. It’s helpful to be able to give multiple users the ability to review and rebut any potential defects. The Credit Plus staff is very good about letting us know of any anomalies they may identify in our files – especially with the new mortgage rules – so that we can determine if they are defects or simply a change in practice. They are very knowledgeable and highly responsive to our requests. Their checklists for both compliance and secondary market guidelines are comprehensive and we are confident that they will continue to meet our needs.”

A regional bank

Takes the time to understand our business model

“We work with Credit Plus as a partner in our business, not just as a vendor. They partner with us on key business initiatives to find solutions that will bring value to both companies. Our mission and convictions are similar which makes working together easy to do. Credit Plus takes the time to understand our business model and stay engaged with us. They attend training conference calls and key meetings with our team members and provide monthly metrics on how they are doing to ensure we are receiving the service we expect and they desire to give. We love Credit Plus!"

Julie P.

Everyone at Credit Plus has given us superior customer service.

“I met Michael Crockett and Don Clement at a Lenders One conference over five years ago. I have been thankful for that meeting ever since. At the time, I was ready to make a change as our credit provider had started outsourcing to call centers in India. The service was awful. Michael and Don personally assured me that would not be the case with Credit Plus. They have proven to be correct. Whenever I’ve needed a favor or had an issue, they fix it immediately. Everyone at Credit Plus has given us superior customer service.”

Jim C.
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